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Resounding Victory for Corporate Fiduciary

Thomas Hart Benton "Trial by Jury" Last Friday, December 13, 20204, Jackson County (Missouri) Circuit Court Judge Mark Styles, Jr....

Just Plain Wrong

This is not a partisan political essay.  Or at least I don’t intend it to be.   I woke up early this morning with the dreadful feeling...

Summer Games

The weather had been very pleasant until just recently, and Bear and I had been spending long periods of time outside in the side yard...

Humans 101

One very rainy day recently, Bear and I were comfortably spending some quiet time together, warm and dry in the room in our humans’ house...

And Then There Were Two

Warning: Some sadness ahead. Logan is gone, and Bear and I are left to carry on without him. Logan warned me that this day would come,...

All in a Tizzy for Izzy

I’d never experienced anything like it.  Even Logan had to admit that, while he had seen the phenomenon before, this time it was...

The Other Wise Man

This coming Sunday, January 7, 2024, most Western Christian churches will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the visit of...

Canine in the Middle

Logan and I have come to notice that, just about this time every year, the humans in our family start thinking back on what had happened...

I Had a Dream

It was winter. Late at night. Perhaps a year or two ago. I was in my den, in my favorite chair, warmed by an open fire in the...

Growing Pain

Logan and I are exhausted. The cause of our collective fatigue is a black and white puppy named Bear. Apparently, he is now “our” Bear,...

Time to Get Serious

Like many, I have been watching developments on our college campuses with dismay. I wish that I had some way to warn those students who...

To Our Boys

Simon Edgar Fitzpatrick (1873-1959) was my grandfather's brother and partner in their father's Plattsburgh, New York, family construction...

Pure Evil, Unvarnished & Unashamed, Takes Center Stage

At the conclusion of every Mass in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in Fairfield County, Connecticut, the congregation recites...

Three's Company

Logan and I are no longer the sole objects of canine-directed attention in our family. We have been joined by a puppy named Bear. At...

Up With Pup Redux

We have news. Last week we brought a little puppy into our family. He is a bi-color (black and white) Australian Shepherd and his name...

The Bad Shepherd

There once was a countryside in which a flock of sheep lived happily and comfortably under the supervision of a succession of fairly...


Growing up, my generation was taught the principles of Right and Wrong, concepts grounded in the belief that there exists an objective...

To Tell a Lie

The weather recently has been unbearably hot. Fortunately, Logan and I are able to spend the hottest parts of each day inside the house...

Interview with Jake from Looneytown

Host: Good morning, Jake. Thanks for agreeing to speak with us today. Yeah. Un-huh. [mumbles]. Jake, you seem really nervous and...

Clothing Optional

It has been very cold here recently. Logan and I were discussing this the other day as we were strolling around our yard. Cold can be...

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